Sunday, March 27, 2011

Meet Me on Monday

Wow, it's Monday already!  Bah!!!  Here's the weekly Meet Me on Monday from Never Growing Old

1. Crunchy or soft tacos?
2. Do you scrapbook?
3. Do you take any daily medications?
4. What is your favorite sound?
5. Where were you born?


1.  I think I will forever answer crunchy, even though while I was in California I experienced some wonderful soft street tacos.  I think it's my addiction to crunchy, salty things (i.e. chips..).

2.  I sure do!  I have one going right now that is a mix between my solo trip to Europe and Erik and I's trips around the coast last year.

3.  This seems an awfully personal question, but yes, I do.

4.  The calming sounds of the ocean, the river, the lake, the creek.  Running water in the wilderness is the most comforting sounds I have ever heard.

5.  Kirkland, WA!  A suburb of Seattle and a college area.  A beautiful place, and it explains completely why in the world I enjoy the weather and scenic areas that I do.


  1. Hi Alexis!
    I am so totally with you on #1, esp. the crisps/chips... (argh)
    Yes, the sound of the ocean, water, creek is really calming. I love to go to the beach and spend time watching the sea.
    I love your blog design :)
    Have a nice week!

  2. Yes, the medication one is a bit personal, I thought so too. But I thought I was just being odd. The running water and beach sounds - a couple of people have said that now and it's a lovely sound I had forgotten, so thanks for reminding me.

  3. Love the ocean but a nice babbling brook would be awesome also!!

    I've always wanted to visit Washington state - especially the coastal area. It looks like it would be so pretty.


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