Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I am easily discouraged.  I get started on projects and suddenly realize that maybe it's stupid, perhaps someone won't like it or there's simply not enough time.  I get frustrated when something doesn't work the way I had envisioned.  I get fed up with trying to make something work and it just doesn't.  I want to be successful.  I want to be creative.  I want to be great.

Sometimes I just don't know how.

Etsy sent out a great email featuring an article about how to not get discouraged with your work.  I want to share it with everyone because I think it will benefit many.  Not only does it apply with running your own business, but it can apply to anything you do in life.  You cannot be happy with what you're doing unless you include elements such as purpose, grace, courage and love.  How many of us get stuck in a 9-5 job that we hate.   Perhaps if you adjusted your thinking, your purpose, your attitudes about money and what makes a happy life things could change.

Be encouraged.  This to shall pass.


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