Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Natural smells--Keeping Odors Away

While I don't want to brag, I'm told whenever I have guests over that my house smells nice.  I'm quite obsessed with making sure that everything smells pleasant, since I remember growing up with cat smell.  But, most of the time anything that helps improve the smell of a room or home tends to add harmful chemicals to the environment.  Here are some ideas I've found to make your home smell extra pleasant.

1.  Flowers.  Not even living flowers are necessary.  I have a bouquet of dried lavender hanging on my bathroom wall, which not only adds decor and color, but a delightful smell.  The steam releases the oil from the flowers each time you shower, so the scent is constantly renewed.

2.  Essential Oils.  Take a bath.  Add sweet basil, eucalyptus, lavender or rosemary essential oils to your tub.  Not only will you make your skin smell incredibly delicious, but the whole house will smell amazing.

3.  Candles.  Remember that lighting a match trick?  It works.  Find some soy candles that contain essential oils and place them strategically around you home.  Or beeswax candles.  They have a fairly neutral smell, but do contain a very light honey scent.

4.  Baking soda.  Absorb the smelly things in your home.  Put some in a pretty bowl and find an inconspicuous home for it.  This way, not only are you trying to add pleasant smells but you're taking the yucky ones away.


  1. I too like to have the house smelling good -- especially when guests are expected! Great tips here. BTW - thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment!

  2. Some great ideas there. I love lavender & beeswax candles. Baking soda is a good tip. I use it in the fridge, but didn't think of using it in the house. Another tip with fragrance is to use them when you wash your curtains, pillows and linens.


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