Sunday, April 17, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Wow, it's Monday again.  I know I say that every week, but it always seems so unbelievable.  I'm so looking forward to the summer when things aren't keeping  me so busy that I'm always a crazy person trying to find things to do for the week. 

Here's Meet Me on Monday from Never Growing Old!

1.  Caesar Salad or Garden Salad?
2.  Will you be watching the Royal Wedding on April 29th?
3.  Last thing you spent lots of money on?
4.  Window seat or aisle seat?
5.  Do you know your blood type?

1.  Garden.  I like caesar dressing but I like a little more variety that  a garden salad offers.
2.  I didn't even know there was a Royal Wedding coming up until just now!
3.  A new camera!  I haven't purchased one in years and this way I won't always have to borrow Erik's.
4.  Aisle.  When in an emergency situation, it's the safest place :-P
5.  I do.  We did blood typing in a few science labs during college.  I am either O+ or O-


  1. Hi, I followed you from Meet me on Monday :) I love your blog, it's so cool and creative. I am not a vegetarian but I am a health nut. I love that you have a creativity section which I am about to check out. I love creativity and a healthy life style.

  2. You are right about the airplane seat. Isn't it strange that I want a window seat when I know it would be harder to get out of the plane?! =/
    Dianne @

  3. aisle seat is more easier to get out of
    come see my answers at

  4. I love studying nutrition. I do it as a hobby. I started in 1965 with Adel Davis books. I raised four healthy children with those books. The internet has great resources. My nutritionist also owns a health food store. I know I will enjoy reading your blog. Doylene


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