Thursday, February 17, 2011


About two weeks ago I decided to start training with my friend Rachel for a half marathon.  I got a nice little cold so my first week of training was killed, but this week I've been following a regular training schedule.  Boy, is it work.  I've been a casual runner on and off for the last three years.  Sometimes I would get really into it and go regularly, but more often than not I wasn't running.  So this is an excellent challenge for me.

I've realized I need goals in my life to really achieve anything.  I get all sorts of ideas about exercising more, crafting more, writing more, reading more, keeping up on my homework, etc.  But simply wanting it isn't good enough for me.  I must have something to work towards.  A schedule.  Something to keep me disciplined.  Otherwise I just end up with half finished projects, a half messy house, and half-read books (of which I currently have five on my bookshelf).

I would love to hear some of your ideas for keeping yourself goal-oriented!


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