Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A New Challenge

This month is one of rejuvination.  October really took a toll on me in every aspect of my life.  Too much school, too many emotions, too much spending and way too much eating.  Now it's time to get back on track.

I've really enjoyed this time of discovery.   Learning how to refigure life so I can actually spend my time living instead of simply trying to keep up is refreshing.  Finding time to take a few moments to breathe, to soak in the beauty of the day and truly enjoy something is an incredible (and challenging) experience.  Not to mention the difficulty of controlling my wallet and caloric intake.

Part of this includes taking moments to do things I want to do but feel I never have time for.  One of those is writing.  So I have taken on a challenge.  Write about a simple prompt each day for the next month.  I hope you enjoy the next 30 days!


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Your comments make my day even brighter and happier than it already was. I just love hearing what you have to say!