Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I have mentioned before that I'm a yoga practitioner.  I have yet to make it a part of my every single day living, but it is something I have worked on for years.  Over this last academic year, I was taking a Power Vinyasa class at the Student Rec Center and the instructor was *amazing*.  I'm one of those get-deeper-than-just-fitness kind of practicers, so I try to find instructors who are focused on the mind as well as the body.  

I noticed some flyers at the Co-op about a month ago that featured a new yoga studio downtown.  And there was a coupon for unlimited classes for a month for $30 (quite a steal, in my opinion).  Then after reading an article about the new place, I realized the one who opened it was my yoga instructor at the rec center!  Fabulous!  And--it's closer to my house than work (which is already only 2.5 minutes away).  

Last night was my first time there and it was incredible.  I worked hard, but felt -- released.  Comforted.

I intend on making it a part of my daily practice.


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