Saturday, May 14, 2011

A bit of catching up to do.

Yep, I certainly have been gone for a long time.  And here is the run-down..

French films.  In all my spare time.  Some of my new favorites include "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not" and "How To Get Married And Stay Single."  While Audrey Tautou ends up in many of the popular French films these days, she is fabulous and I love her adorable personality.  Not to mention she looks like Audrey Hepburn.

Spring pounds.  I have put them on by the heap-load (not even sure if that is a word..).  Embarrassed by my extra weight and inability to fit comfortably into my clothing, I have purchased a few billowy tube-tops and signed up for a summer of fitness classes at the Student Rec Center.  I'm really hoping that the little added money I have to put down will help me to stay away from extra food.  Four Zumba classes a week had better get my butt into shape (literally).

School. Is. Through.  Except for my summer courses.  I will be taking Biochemistry and Buddhism (a "B" semester, it seems).  Excited for Buddhism.  Boo on Biochemistry.  But there isn't much of an option, unless I choose to graduate a semester later which isn't an option for me.  Thankfully everything will be complete by June 24th and I'll truly get to begin my summer.

Moving.  In less than a week.  I just began painting the bookshelves in order to prepare them for their new home across the balcony.  Tomorrow I'll finish it up and hopefully have some delightful pictures to show you.

Tired. Tired. Tired.  Finally the weather has decided to co-operate, but the humidity level has taken a few leaps.  It wore me out today, especially with work.  But it is splendid to be able to enjoy something other than sweaters.  However, I did have to take a trip to the Goodwill to find anything that wouldn't have me breaking into a sweat.  Note to self: when sorting through closet, leave a few out-of-season options for a change in weather!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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