Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"He's got the whole world in His hands.."

It can be quite difficult to remember that there is actually Someone out there that has something to do with what is going on in your life.

I have spent from April until now attempting to obtain a job.  It appears an impossible feat.  Things change when you have more than yourself to think about and when Erik was looking for an internship, we weren't sure where we would end up for the summer.  Jobs that have been available were usually in the wrong place or offered at the wrong time.  I had turned down a job in Idaho Falls and passed up an interview because we were told that Erik didn't have an internship at the INL.  Two weeks later, we are moving up to Idaho Falls and I can find no employment.

There are moments in life that just do not make sense.

But I am reminded that this is just one moment, one little blip in the whole scheme of things.  There is hope, for beyond all the new age-y philosophies I carry I do know that there is One who holds it all in His hands.


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